Sunday, June 30, 2013


Thanks to the cooperation, support, and guidance of Mississauga Parks and Foresty (esp. JC-G & JM), six classes of Stephen Lewis S.S. gr.9 sci/tech teachers and students continued their eco-stewardship of Park 403 Woodlands this past spring. Their first excursion with Tutored by Nature Inc started up March 25, just after the vernal equinox - the last excursion May 29, 2013 -  classroom debriefing mid June.
 Outside the woodland is self-explanatory. Unrelenting development once again compounds local watershed fragmentation and creates a myriad of local ecological issues. Photo on the left -worth a thousand words? Inside the woodland, the students sauntered, sketched, water-coloured, photographed, set up personal mandalas and logged connections to this local urban wilderness. Their experience - their aesthetic knowledge is shared within the language, water-colours and photos. A sense of change in the season captured their imaginations  - impact of the local community on this part of the watershed raised their compassion and concern.
Debriefing? Our progeny's solutions? Decrease soil compaction within the woodland, lessen the community air, water, soil and noise pollution and the littering; i.e., somehow remediate the problems caused by watershed fragmentation - local human behaviour. Actions recommended? Clean-up the litter, alert the local community to the beauty and importance of the biotic/abiotic relationships within the vernal pools and woodland, and totally support the City's decision to fence Park 403 before it disappears. Is there a sense of immediacy? Stay tuned next fall.

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